Everything Has A Story To Tell

The inspiration for Auriane’s designs has always been the art of sculpting an accessory from the highest quality fabrics and embellishments. Years of experience culminates in the perfect headband shapes offering unparalleled comfort.

Beyond Gold & Jewellery

Joining the Fight Against Child Trafficking: Destiny Rescue and Deema & Co

Why Destiny Rescue?

At Deema & Co., we believe that jewellery has the power to make a difference beyond style and elegance. We are committed to supporting causes that aim to create a positive impact in the world. One cause that resonates deeply with us is the fight against child trafficking. Through our partnership with Destiny Rescue, we are dedicated to raising awareness and funds to eradicate this heinous crime and bring hope to vulnerable children around the globe.

Destiny Rescue's Approach:

Rescue Operations:

Destiny Rescue carries out undercover investigations, working closely with law enforcement agencies to identify and rescue children trapped in trafficking situations. They prioritize the safety and well-being of the children throughout the rescue process.

Aftercare and Rehabilitation:

Once rescued, the children are provided with comprehensive aftercare services. This includes access to safe shelters, healthcare, counseling, education, vocational training, and ongoing support to help them heal and reintegrate into society.

Prevention Programs:

Destiny Rescue believes in a proactive approach to combat child trafficking. They conduct community awareness programs, education initiatives, and advocacy campaigns to prevent vulnerable children from falling into the hands of traffickers.

The Scourge of Child Trafficking:

Child trafficking is a devastating global issue that affects millions of innocent lives. It involves the recruitment, transport, and exploitation of children for various purposes, including forced labor, sexual exploitation, and child soldier recruitment. These children are robbed of their freedom, subjected to unimaginable abuse, and trapped in a cycle of exploitation.

Destiny Rescue: Empowering Children and Transforming Lives

Destiny Rescue is a renowned international non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing and restoring children from the horrors of trafficking. Their mission is to free children from exploitation, provide them with a safe and nurturing environment, and empower them with education and life skills to build a brighter future.

At Deema & Co., we stand firmly behind Destiny Rescue’s mission and are committed to supporting their life-saving work. We donate a portion of our proceeds to Destiny Rescue to aid in their rescue operations, aftercare programs, and prevention efforts. By purchasing jewelry from Deema & Co., you are not only acquiring a beautiful piece, but also contributing to the fight against child trafficking.

Together, Let's Make a Difference:

Child trafficking is a complex issue, but it is not insurmountable. By joining hands with Destiny Rescue and supporting Deema & Co., you can help create a world where children are free from exploitation and can live their lives to their fullest potential. Every purchase you make from Deema & Co. is a step toward making a lasting impact in the lives of these vulnerable children.